
Ontologists and designers of all countries
and subject areas, join us!

Within the scientific discussion to try to get closer to the “Creator’s idea”, to understand and to explain the process of creation, development, self-organisation, modelling and designing of the future through the knowledge of the process of creating artefacts, evolution and selection.

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This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All issues of the journal are available in the Journal issues section.

Ontologiâ proektirovaniâ (Ontol. proekt.)

ISSN 2223-9537 (Print)
ISSN 2313-1039 (Online)

Impact factor РИНЦ 1.073, 1.007, 1.178, 0.873, 1.101 (2016, 2017, 2018,2019, 2020)
Index Copernicus Value ICV 2015: 67.64, 2016: 77.98, 2017: 87.78, 2018: 86.38, 2019:86.64

Journal's objectives​


Bring together efforts of Russian and foreign scientists, focusing on actual problems of the methods of designing and offering a place for scientific discussions

Propose approaches, technologies, methods and algorithms for solving practical problems in various fields and areas of designing based on the developing scientific direction

Assist young scholars, postgraduates and undergraduates in the understanding of their responsibility for the development of modern technologies, that ultimately form the future of civilization

Last news
August 1, 2024

The 3rd issue of the 14th volume of the journal was published. Section Journal Issues an electronic

March 1, 2024

The 1th issue of the 14th volume of the journal was published. Section  Issues an

Research field

Ontology of Designing as a scientific direction within the framework of computer science & engineering includes:
concepts analysis and thesaurus development; analysis of criteria and the models of designed object, methods and design scenarios; gathering and processing the information about the object as a system and its constituent elements.

Designing as a process and domain knowledge about the artefact is the subject of ontological analysis done by researchers and narrow specialists. Ontology of designing, its concepts and basic principles are invariant to the subject area, while design as an activity, is always object-oriented. Ontology of designing as a scientific discipline incorporates and generalises the experience from different domains.

Journal in scientific databases

The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which should be published basic scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Science (list of Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation Ministry of Science and Education 01.12.2015) by groups of scientific specialties 05.13.00 and 05.07.00. From 03.26.2019 on scientific specialties 05.13.01, 05.13.17, 05.13.18 and 05.07.02, 05.07.05. From 01.02.2022 – 1.2.2., 2.3.1., 2.5.13., 2.5.15.

The journal is included in the updated list of journals included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database on the Web of Science platform.

Scientific journal “Ontology of Designing” has entered into an electronic licensing relationship with EBSCO Publishing, the world’s leading aggregator of full text journals, magazines and eBooks. The full text of JOURNAL can be found in the EBSCOhost™ databases. on the scientific electronic library of open access CyberLeninka, and also on the publishing platform Readera.

The journal is hosted in the Natural Sciences Editions collection on the EastView platform.


The content of the scientific journal is distributed under a license CC-BY 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License) that allows everyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, copy publications and create new materials based on them, provided that the authorship and source are indicated.

Plagiarism Detection License

All the manuscripts submitted to the Journal are checked for incorrect borrowings and plagiarism using either the Antiplagiat system (for papers written in Russian) and online sources Google Scholar or Exactus Like (for papers written in English)


The journal uses the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve all the published articles. The PKP PN is a part of LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) program offers decentralized and distributed preservation, seamless perpetual access, and preservation of the authentic original version of the content.

Also, the journal makes full-text archives on the Russian Science Electronic Library (http://elibrary.ru/) platform.

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